The contact elements (microswitches) for our handles have the following approvals: CE, UL, CSA, UTE, VDE, ASE, NEMKO, SEMKO, IMQ.

Our safety handles are usually sold in the following configurations:



On request our handles can be equipped with extra button for water pump operation.


On request we can sell the handle already fitted on a metal tube with the following characteristics:


- Lenght: 300mm

- External diameter: 16mm

- Wall Thickness: 4,6mm

- Thread size: 16M

- Complete with tightening screw nut



To learn more about our products contact us (our technical office is at Your disposal) or see our on line catalogue (including technical specifications and dimension) at


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S.T.Z. s.r.l. 23877 Paderno d’Adda (LC) Italy

Strada delle Brigole n° 2/A

Tel: ++39039514038 (English spoken) – Fax: ++39039514044

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